LOOPS is an event series conducted by New Practice in Art and Technology in cooperation with #Berlinforschtmit. It takes place every Thursday evening during the lecture period in the Design & Computation Studio of the Technische Universität Berlin.

In lectures, workshops and various explorative formats, current issues in society are examined from different perspectives. The aim is to create a platform for the presentation and discussion of topics at the interface of art, science and technology. Thereby LOOPS also deals with questions and issues that #Berlinforschtmit has been collecting digitally and on-site from Berliners for new research. Guests from scientific and artistic fields are invited, as well as representatives from industry, the start-up scene and experts from society who share their knowledge and perspectives. Every event is followed by a drink in the studio’s pop-up bar Null, to which the speakers and visitors are invited for a relaxed get-together. The events are open to everyone.

New Practice in Art and Technology is a research platform of the Technische Universität Berlin and the Universität der Künste, that promotes a new post-disciplinary practice in regard to technological and social change. It addresses emerging cultural practices from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective, bringing together positions from art, science, technology and theory.

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LOOPS – with Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau

Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, who are considered pioneers of the "Art of Interface", were invited to kick off the LOOPS series of events. Their art combines biology and technology, nature, and algorithms. With their work, the artist duo enables us to think about plants as interfaces to their natural environment, the environment perceived by humans or the environment made by humans.
April 27. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS - With Birgit Schneider

How is climate change represented visually and what does this mean for social action? Birgit Schneider is Professor of Cultures of Knowledge and Media Environments at the University of Potsdam and researches climate images and visual climate change communication. With the student initiative Klasse Klima of the Universität der Künste Berlin, she will discuss forms of representation and communication of climate change from a scientific and actionist perspective. The evening will be accompanied by an exhibition of a selection of images and sounds from art and science, compiled by Birgit Schneider.
May 05. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS – With Aram Bartholl

Through sculptural interventions, installations and performative workshops, Aram Bartholl questions the public economies of social networks, online platforms, and the interconnected aspects of surveillance, data security, and dependency on technology. In his works, the absurdity of global platform capitalism is transferred into physical, public spaces. In doing so, the aesthetics, codes, and patterns of digital culture are drawn upon and subverted to reposition network activity as a form of political participation and collective process.
Mai 25. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS - With Michael Nitsche, Stephan Günzel, and Fabian Schneider

Michael Nitsche, associate professor at Georgia Institute of Technology in Digital Media and founder + director of the Digital World & Image Group, Stephan Günzel, philosopher and media theorist with a focus on spatial theory and game studies approach the concept of reduction from different points of view. What becomes possible through the reduction of complexity?
June 01. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS – With Vladan Joler and Kim Albrecht

How can information visualisation and diagrammatic be used to understand and render visible the entanglements between complex technological systems and society? Vladan Joler and Kim Albrecht will present and discuss their research practices and approaches towards different phenomena of digital culture.
June 08. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS - Live Stream – With Homi K. Bhabha

Prof. Bhabha, a pioneering theorist of postcolonialism, will share his thoughts on episteme and spheres of knowledge with us before discussing the topics of risk, Berlin, and Berlin's university landscape with the panel.
June 15. 2023, 6pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS – With Anna Ehrenstein and Cibelle Cavalli Bastos

Anna Ehrenstein and Cibelle Cavalli Bastos are artists whose work deals with migration, neo-colonialism and non-conformist behaviour. They will present and discuss their artistic practices, focusing on fair decolonial and non-conforming collaboration and solidarity both physically and in the virtual.
June 22. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS -With Victorine Van Alphen

On the verge of immersive theatre, social experiment, hybrid reality and audio visual installations, Transmedia Artist and philosopher Victorine van Alphen explores how various mediated contexts can invite the audience through different perceptive states. She will share her method ‘choreographing modes of being’ in which she explores and investigates how to create these mediated contexts meaningfully to invite people to perceive a complex topic from different ‘embodied angles‘ (or modes of being), creating tangible and layered experiences.
June 29. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS – With Orit Halpern and Jeffrey Kirkwood

Orit Halpern and Jeffrey Kirkwood join us for a conversation on the models, infrastructures and histories of financial markets and computational capitalism. Models as “engines” that produce markets and meaning align with the historic reformulation of human intelligence as machinic and networked. What can emerge in the discontinuous intervals of algorithmic organisation?
July 06. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

LOOPS – With Su Yu Hsin and Jens Turowski

Su Yu Hsin and Jens Turowski join us for a screening with video installation settings and shared talk on their collaboration between geoscience and art. The works on display "frame of reference I + II" are the result of fieldwork at the Taroko Gorge site in Taiwan in collaboration with GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and NCTU Disaster Prevention and Water Environment Research Center.
July 06. 2023, 7pm-9pm; Technische Universität Berlin Main Building, Straße des 17. Juni 135, Old Reading Room, Room H3021
More information about the guests and the streams can be found here.

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